Virtual European Parliament Briefing “Dynamics Of Human Rights Violations And Impunity In Libya”
On 9 December 2020, Uprights co-Founder, Alessandro Pizzuti, will participate with No Peace Without Justice, in a virtual parliamentary briefing on “Dynamics of Human Rights Violations and Impunity in Libya” chaired by Hon. Giuliano Pisapia MEP, Standing Rapporteur on Libya for the European Parliament. Together with other international experts, Uprights will address in particular the question of the role in and responsibility of third States engaged in the Libyan conflict for human rights and international humanitarian law violations which occurred on the ground. Assessing the responsibility of these actors is necessary to establish full accountability for such breaches.
In view of the ongoing Libyan political dialogue forum, the briefing will focus on the issue of impunity as an obstacle to a lasting political solution in Libya.
Speakers will include
– Amb. Mohamed Auajjar, Chair of the Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Libya (IFFM)
– Prof. Chaloka Beyani, Senior Lecturer in International Law, Member of the IFFM
– Dr. Nasser Faraj Al Ghita, Human Rights Senior Adviser at the Libyan Ministry of Justice.
– Mr. Alessando Pizzuti, International Legal expert, Co-Founder of Uprights
– Dr. Niccoló Figá Talamanca, Secretary General of No Peace Without Justice.
Date: Wednesday 9 December 2020
Broadcast time: 17h00 CET
Streamed in French, English, Italian and Arabic
For info and registration:
The stream of the event can be followed on our social media pages:
* Facebook No Peace Without Justice (English, French)
* Facebook Non C’è Pace Senza Giustizia (Italian)
* Facebook NPWJ Libya (Arabic)
* Twitter
* Youtube
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